Addie Kate as a cheerleader!!! She was supposed to be a monkey but she screamed when I put it on her so thank goodness we had this hanging in the closet!!!
Addie Kate and Allie Christian at Ryder's Halloween Party!
Addie Kate and Ridge taking a Spin in Allie Christian's new Barbie Jeep!! Addie Kate posing for pictures. I can not take good pictures of her anymore. Everytime I have the camera in my hand she wants it. She likes to look at the pictures on the camera and point to everybody. She is so nosey. I have not idea where she gets it from (HA)
I had the flu last week and I am back from the dead!!! Addie Kate went to Grenada to stay with my parents while I was sick. I have figured out that it is impossible to be sick and be a mommy at the same time. All had a blast in G-town while mommy was home sick. This is my Dad and Addie Kate taking a nap. Addie Kate loves her Nana and Papaw.